All about your Fertility

Ovulation is the most fertile period of your menstrual cycle. It is the development and release of the egg (Ovum) from your ovaries. This is the optimum time to have sexual relations to maximize your chances of conceiving.

Your detailed Guide to Ovulation

Understanding Ovulation is the key to conception as this is the best time to have sex to get pregnant. By understanding your ovulation cycle,...

Fertility Awareness and Ovulation Monitoring

Pinpointing your actual day of ovulation, or more important, knowing when you enter your peak (the 6-day fertile window), can increase your chances of...

Implantable Devices – Birth Control Methods

These are devices that are inserted into the body and left in place for a few years. Implantable Rod This is a matchstick-size, flexible rod that...

Abortion: Can it cause infertility?

Abortions that are carried out on women in Kenya are either medically sanctioned or done in unlicensed backstreet clinics. Typically, an abortion that is...

Risks associated with birth control in Kenya

The use of contraceptives in Kenya has been widely accepted with many women using them to avoid pregnancy. Some of the contraceptives can be...
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