All about your Fertility

Ovulation is the most fertile period of your menstrual cycle. It is the development and release of the egg (Ovum) from your ovaries. This is the optimum time to have sexual relations to maximize your chances of conceiving.

Your detailed Guide to Ovulation

Understanding Ovulation is the key to conception as this is the best time to have sex to get pregnant. By understanding your ovulation cycle,...

Fertility Awareness and Ovulation Monitoring

Pinpointing your actual day of ovulation, or more important, knowing when you enter your peak (the 6-day fertile window), can increase your chances of...

Common Side Effects of Stopping the Use of Contraceptives

The decision to stop using contraceptives is often a sign that a woman is getting her body ready for conception. In cases where the...

Fibroids: Can they Cause Infertility?

Uterine fibroids are a common problem among women in Kenya that are within the childbearing bracket. The main reason for this is the delayed...

Trying For a Baby After Pregnancy Loss: What You Need To Know

For many Kenyan mums that have gone through a miscarriage, the thought of trying for another baby is scary for the most part. There...
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