Head Lice

"Mummy! My head is itchy!" Your baby may have been infected with the dreaded head lice. Head lice are tiny insects that live on the...

Tips To Protect Your Child From School Infections

There is one main reason why most moms dread the kids going back to school; the sniffles, coughs, stuffy noses and other common childhood...

Tips that will help keep your toddler in bed

Although most toddlers can sleep in their own beds, keeping them there the whole night is usually the hard part. It is common to...

Helping Your Toddler Sleep Through the Night

Nothing ruins a mum’s peace of mind like a toddler who keeps waking up at night. Unfortunately, most will not go back to bed...

Is Sleep As Important As Diet ?

Why is a good night’s rest important for Children? Sleep is an essential part of everyone’s routine and an indispensable part of a healthy lifestyle....
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