Head Lice

"Mummy! My head is itchy!" Your baby may have been infected with the dreaded head lice. Head lice are tiny insects that live on the...

Tips To Protect Your Child From School Infections

There is one main reason why most moms dread the kids going back to school; the sniffles, coughs, stuffy noses and other common childhood...

Tips to Potty Training Your Baby

Right from the start, decide what you are going to name the process. In Kenya, some of the common names given are ‘pee-pee, susu, kojoa,...

Alternative ways to discipline toddlers without spanking

In most Kenyan homes, spanking a toddler may be considered the best way to discipline a toddler. However, spanking or hitting can go overboard...

Tips to Stop Your Toddler From Hitting and Biting

For parents, getting their toddler to stop hitting or biting may seem impossible especially when yelling “NO” is not working. It is important to...
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