Important questions to ask your doctor when choosing contraceptives in Kenya


Contraceptives are the most common option for women in Kenya that want to prevent pregnancy yet remain sexually active. When making the choice for the best contraceptives to use, there are a number of factors to consider which include cost, age, convenience, health, relationship status and family history. In most cases, Kenyan women that are aware of this information beforehand make a better decision on contraceptives that complement their lifestyle.

To ensure that the birth control method you have chosen is the best for your lifestyle, here are some questions you need to ask your gynaecologist during the consultation meeting.

1. What types of contraceptives are available in Kenya?

Currently, there are at least fifteen types of contraceptives to choose from in Kenya and they are usually categorized according to how they prevent pregnancy. There are hormonal methods like the combined pill; barrier methods like condoms, intrauterine devices like the copper coil, contraceptive implants or injections and finally sterilization.

2. Is the use of contraceptives reversible?

Women that do not plan on getting pregnant soon can use contraceptives that have long term effects on the body. However, if you want a family soon, consider birth control methods that can be discontinued and still allow you to get pregnant quickly.

3. Do contraceptives have side effects?

Most contraceptives used in Kenya have some type of side effect, making it important to understand them before deciding on the best one for you. In most cases, the effects may be short or long term. Some of the common side effects of taking contraceptives, especially those that are hormone-based include weight gain, nausea, reduced sex drive and headaches.

4. How much does the contraceptive cost?

Contraceptives in Kenya are priced differently with condoms being the cheapest and hormonal ones being slightly expensive depending on the brand name. Sterilization as birth control is the most expensive because it involves surgery.