How To Manage Acne During Pregnancy


Pregnancy triggers acne for many women in Kenya who may have never had to battle with the skin condition before. The condition is usually caused by the excess production of sebum due to an increase of androgen’s, which are hormones responsible for the regulation of organs in a woman’s reproductive organs. The increase which is common in pregnant women results in clogged pores which get inflamed leading to a breakout on the skin. Fortunately, acne can be managed to allow expectant women to keep their skin looking good throughout the pregnancy journey.
Some of the simple ways that you can deal with acne when pregnant include:

Avoid squeezing the pimples or trying to pop them using your fingers as it can make the problem worse resulting in the formation of scars on the face.
Wash the face using warm water and a cleanser of your choice both in the morning and before going to bed. The cleanser should be mild to avoid irritating the skin.
Avoid using a washcloth instead use your hands to wash the face and rinse it off well.
Pat dry your face with a soft towel. Rubbing the affected area can cause further irritation to the skin.
Use an oil-free moisturiser to keep the skin soft.
Buy water-based beauty products to avoid clogged pores and wash them off at night before bed. These products are extremely light in composition and allowing the skin to breathe unlike those that are oil-based.

Medical treatment of pregnancy acne
In Kenya, pregnant women can suffer from severe, moderate or mild acne which needs to be managed in a variety of ways to avoid aggravating the situation. It is possible to use a number of lotions or gels that are sold in chemists to treat the acne and help it clear. However, if the skin condition persists or becomes severe and begins to affect a mum’s self-esteem, it is advisable to seek the services of a dermatologist to advice on the best medication that is safe for expectant women. Even so, pregnancy acne usually clears gradually after the delivery of the baby.