Natural remedies for morning sickness in Kenya


Many women in Kenya experience morning sickness within the first three months of pregnancy. For some women it is bearable but for others, it can be excessive resulting in the need to take medication until the first trimester is over. Even so, morning sickness does not have to dampen your whole day as there are a number of things you can do to help you feel better. If your preference is natural methods, then you are in luck as there are many to try out before finding the perfect combination.

1. Drink herbal tea

Herbal tea that has been prepared using the right amount of ingredients can go help reduce the effects of morning sickness. In Kenya, the most common herbs used for such tea include ginger, peppermint and raspberry among others. These herbs help reduce nausea and even relax muscles in the uterus in the early stages of pregnancy. Even so, it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking any of these herbal drinks to avoid health complications.

2. Eat sour fruits

Citrus fruits help reduce the symptoms of nausea drastically for many women in their first trimester. The most common fruit is lemons, oranges or tangerines, which can be sniffed or eaten in a variety of ways. You can choose to prepare lemon juice or have the rind of tangerine in tea or warm water to eliminate the feeling of nausea. Alternatively, the smell of fresh mint flavour in food or drinks can lessen nausea substantially for expectant mums.

3. Eat regularly

Consumption of small meals regularly all day is a good way to keep nausea away allowing you to have a good day. The meals should not be fatty as they often intensify nausea for many women. Instead, eat nuts, vegetable sandwiches and fruits in small quantities to help you avoid getting hungry.