“Pregnant” Kenyan Dads: Do’s and Don’ts during pregnancy


Pregnancy is a very delicate time for most women and it is common for them to rely on their partner more than ever. It is for this reason that new dads are advised to be aware of the do’s and don’ts of the journey so that everything goes well. Although the needs of expectant mothers are diverse, there are some things that they expect from their partners.

  • Do compliment your partner – Women gain weight through the stages of pregnancy leaving them feeling fat and undesirable. At such times, it is important for their partners to give compliments and change their focus to other positive aspects of their lives.
  • Do help out in the home – As the pregnancy grows coupled with its symptoms, an expectant woman is often left exhausted. In such situations, dads should take over some household duties such as cooking or cleaning to reduce the workload at home, if no hired help is available.
  • Don’t complain – It is normal to come back home exhausted and not willing to take up any more duties at home. If requested to do something by your partner, avoid complaining but devise ways to reschedule it to another time or have it done by someone else.
  • Don’t trivialize her feelings – The changes taking place in the body of a pregnant woman are many, resulting in them being moody or scared about future situations. It is important to give your partner a listening ear, even if the issue may not be a big deal to you. At such times, reassure her that everything will go well and you will soon have a healthy baby in your arms.