Twin Pregnancy: What you should expect


Having twins is a blessing but it can also come with its share of anxiety as parents try to imagine the journey ahead of them. Fortunately, there is a lot of information on twin pregnancy making it much easier to know what to expect in the future but it is important to talk to your doctor and have them answer all your questions. Even so, here are some things to expect when carrying twins.
You need to take extra care of yourself
When pregnant with twins it is important to be extra careful with your diet and overall health. It is common for expectant mums carrying twins to add weight much faster and develop gestational diabetes at the same time, making it important to exercise regularly and eat moderately. In addition, complications such as spotting and preeclampsia are common in twin pregnancies, so mums in this situation need to be alert of any changes in their bodies.
You will have more clinic appointments
Although women pregnant with twins are expected to take extra folic to build iron in the body, Women pregnant with twins are likely to have more appointments with their doctor throughout the pregnancy period. In most cases, visits will be focused on monitoring the growth of the babies as the risks of miscarriage in twin pregnancies is usually quite high. Your doctor will likely take you through ultrasound scans on every visit to ensure everything is well.
Your babies can come early
Majority of twin babies are delivered as early as thirty-six or thirty-seven weeks which is usually considered pre-term for single pregnancies. In most cases, they are born with low birth weight and gain more as they grow older especially if it was a vaginal delivery. However, the chances of the delivery being through caesarian section are much higher particularly if one of the babies is in a breech position.