Tips To Protect Your Child From School Infections


There is one main reason why most moms dread the kids going back to school; the sniffles, coughs, stuffy noses and other common childhood infections.

Here are a few tips to help your child from getting all these infections

  • Teach your child good personal hygiene like washing hands every time they visit the loo or when they are about to eat.
  • Teach your child to cover their mouths when coughing or sneezing with a bent arm where the nose and mouth are covered by the elbow area.
  • Encourage your child not to share their hankies, tissues, combs to avoid infections e.g. flu and lice.
  • Feed your child a healthy balanced diet, especially fruits and vegetables, on a daily basis to build up on their immunity.
  • Ensure that your child has received all the recommended vaccinations to improve their immunity.
  • If your child is sick, you can keep them home for a few days to aid in the recovery and also to avoid infecting the other children.
  • Give cod liver oil regularly to boost immunity.
  • De-worm your child every 6 months to ensure they are worm free.
  • Encourage your child to drink lots of water to stay hydrated especially during the hot weather. You can pack water in the school bag.
  • Pack healthy snacks like fruits, instead of sugary snacks to reduce the amount of sugar your child takes. Too much sugar has been linked to lowered immunity.