The 'Pregnant' Dad

‘Why is my husband acting so hormonal, yet I am the pregnant one?’ From the moment that it becomes public knowledge that you are pregnant, a lot of attention is given to the pregnant woman whilst the partner is easily forgotten.

Being a Supportive Dad-to-be

The news that your partner is pregnant will usually come with a mixture of great joy and perhaps some apprehension especially if you are...

“Pregnant” Kenyan Dads: Do’s and Don’ts during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very delicate time for most women and it is common for them to rely on their partner more than ever. It...

Common fears that first time dads in Kenya face when partners are Pregnant

As soon tests for pregnancy are confirmed to be positive, many Kenyan dads begin to feel the pressure to participate in the journey and...

Simple ways to show support to your pregnant partner in Kenya

Pregnancy is a time in a woman’s life where she is vulnerable and needs all the support she can get from her partner. However,...
Physical and Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy

Physical and Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy

Physical and Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy. This is our Series on the changes that occur after pregnancy. Detailed information on these changes. Physical and Hormonal...


The pelvic floor is a group of muscles and ligaments which support the bladder, uterus (womb) and bowel. The openings from these organs, the...

BATHING BASICS: Baths & Sponge baths

You should give your baby a bath preferably once a day to allow him/her to relax unless otherwise advised by a doctor. You'll need the...
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