After The Abortion Procedure

After The Procedure

Beyond the emotional turmoil that comes after such a procedure, this is also a period of physical recovery. Here are a few tips on...

Conditions That May Contribute To Pregnancy Termination

A famous Kenyan proverb states that the pot is more important than the water it carries. That's the same concept behind therapeutic termination of...

What is the right age to move your toddler to a bed?

The transition from crib to a toddler bed is a process many parents in Kenya do their best to prepare for in advance. Even...

Quantity Guideline for the Toddler

When planning and serving meals to your toddler, try to have him/her consume the following on a daily basis. A good rule for serving...

Common toddler eating problems in Kenya

For most toddlers, choosing what they eat or don’t eat is one of the ways in which they exercise a bit of control over...
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