Food Allergies

A food allergy is a reaction to the protein in food. When introducing a new food, it is important to look for signs of...

Allergies and Toddlers

It’s normal to discover that your toddler is allergic to things you’ve never been allergic to. The most common allergens among Kenyan children are...

Transitioning Your Toddler from Crib to Bed

It is important to recognize the appropriate time to move a baby out of a cot to avoid your baby from falling out of...

Signs, Infection and Treatment of Worms

Worm infestation occurs when worms live as parasitic adults in the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. Children are particularly vulnerable to getting these infestations as they...

How to Maintain Consistency in Discipline

When it comes to the discipline of toddlers, consistency is very important if they are to learn right from wrong. Even so, many parents...
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