Characteristics of a 2 year old Toddler

A two year old toddler is able to do simple tasks without your help. The baby’s realized that he/she is no longer an extension...

Terrible Twos: What to Expect

Many mums in Kenya are warned about “the terrible twos” as their toddler gets closer to that age in a few weeks or months....

Signs That Your Toddler Has Hit “Terrible twos”

Most parents in Kenya that have toddlers approaching two years old have the fear of the “terrible twos”. It is common to find them...

Parenting Your 2 year Old

How can you make the road through toddlerhood less bumpy? Here are a few tips: • Encourage and allow as much independence as possible whilst...

What is the right age to move your toddler to a bed?

The transition from crib to a toddler bed is a process many parents in Kenya do their best to prepare for in advance. Even...

Handling Aggression in Toddlers

One of the things that will concern a parent is when a child is particularly aggressive. There are several factors that may contribute to...

Support your Child when they Bed wet

Your baby may get daytime bladder control by the age of three. However, nighttime control may take a little longer. Bedwetting is involuntarily wetting...
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