Tips to Potty Training Your Baby

Right from the start, decide what you are going to name the process. In Kenya, some of the common names given are ‘pee-pee, susu, kojoa,...

How to know Baby is ready for Potty Training

Potty or toilet training is the mastery of skills necessary for urinating and passing stool (bowel and bladder control) in a socially acceptable time...

Problems mums are likely to face when potty training

Getting your child to use their potty well is an achievement for many mums raising toddlers. The main reason is that potty training is...

Popular methods of potty training

 POPULAR METHODS OF POTTY TRAINING For many Kenyan parents, potty training is often approached with uncertainty and anxiety. The main reason is the work and...

Potty Training: Girls vs Boys

Potty training in Kenya is a chance for parents to finally stop buying diapers and channel that money to other household expenses. However, training...

Most common reasons toddlers in Kenya refuse to share

For children, sharing is often a foreign term until it is taught and demonstrated by parents. Toddlers in Kenya are no different with many...

Parenting Your 2 year Old

How can you make the road through toddlerhood less bumpy? Here are a few tips: • Encourage and allow as much independence as possible whilst...

Food Allergies

A food allergy is a reaction to the protein in food. When introducing a new food, it is important to look for signs of...
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