Challenges breastfeeding the older baby

1. When your baby bites you

Every so often, we can hear your loud scream of pain as your baby tests his brand new teeth on your breast. What can you do?

  • Put your finger in the baby’s mouth and take him off of your breast with a firm ‘No!’
  • Don’t laugh. Your baby is testing the boundaries and if you laugh he may think that it’s a game
  • Put your baby down for a moment to show that biting brings a negative consequence. You can then pick your baby up again to give comfort
  • Stop the feeding right away so the baby is not tempted to get another reaction from you.
2. Breastfeeding while pregnant

Unless advised so by your doctor, you can continue to breastfeed your older child if you so wish for as long as it’s comfortable for you. Breastfeeding may help settle your older baby and still gets the benefits of breastfeeding. Most toddlers wean themselves off breastfeeding while mum is pregnant because the milk supply decreases and may taste different too.

3. When you travel overnight

If you have to travel overnight, ensure that you carry your pump along to prevent engorgement and keep up your milk supply. If you are able to store the milk safely you can freeze it or just discard after expressing. Once you get back home offer the breast immediately to the baby to encourage continuity.


Here are common breastfeeding challenges many mums face.