Getting Pregnant after Stopping Family Planning


Having a second or third baby for any mummy-to-be requires them to discontinue the use of contraceptives. However, many are usually worried about the amount of time it will take for them to be fertile again so that they can conceive. The reality is that a woman’s ability to conceive largely depends on the family planning method and the duration in which it has been used to prevent pregnancy. Also, some women get pregnant much faster than their counterparts even when using similar birth control methods.

Family planning methods in Kenya can be broadly categorised into two; that is hormonal and non-hormonal. We have extensive information on the types of contraception available in Kenya available here. Women that use either of these methods can get pregnant after coming off them but the duration may differ.

  • Condoms

This is the most common contraceptive used by mums that do not want to introduce any hormones into their body. It is a barrier method that is ideal for women with a regular cycle and is effective in protecting them from STIs as well. Women that have been using condoms to prevent pregnancy can conceive as soon as they discontinue their use.

  • Birth control pill

The pill is quite popular among Kenyan mums because of its effectiveness in preventing the egg from meeting the sperm. It is a hormonal method that changes the uterus environment and usually needs a bit of time to return to normal after a mum stops using them. Some mums conceive within a few weeks after discontinuing the pill while others can take up to nine months to get pregnant.

  • Injectable contraceptives

These are hormonal contraceptives that are usually injected into the muscle to stop ovulation. They are ideal for women that want to get pregnant after a long time as the injections are given after every three months making it quite effective. Mums that come off these injectables may need to wait at least ten months to a year to become fertile again before they can try to get pregnant.

  • Implant

Implants are ideal for women that do not want to get pregnant for at least five years, within which this contraceptive is effective. Mums that have implants only need to have the rods removed after the stipulated years to get pregnant. In most cases, their effect on the body has greatly diminished allowing a mum to conceive almost immediately. However, those that decide to have them removed earlier may need to wait three to eighteen months to get pregnant.

  • IUD

Intrauterine devices are also popular in Kenya for mums that want a long term family planning method. They can prevent conception for an agreed time and mums can get pregnant as soon as it is removed. However, some women have gotten pregnant while using IUD making it important to have it inserted by a professional.

Overall, it is important for mums to carefully choose their contraceptive under the guidance of a trained medical professional to understand the pros and cons of their choice. Some of the factors to consider are the preferred timeline between pregnancies and the amount of time it takes for one to fall pregnant after coming off the contraceptive.