Good Sources of Vitamins and Minerals


The most common phrase repeated to children everywhere is ‘eat your vegetables’. Fruits and vegetables are great sources of vitamins and minerals, but did you know that these very important nutrients are found in other foods like starches and animal sources as well?

1. Vitamin A: This vitamin helps maintain good vision, promotes resistance to infections, and supports growth and repair of body tissues
Good sources include:

• Milk, eggs, meat, fish, liver oils
• Green leafy vegetables e.g. sukuma wiki, spinach, broccoli, traditional vegetables.
• Yellow vegetables – carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkin.
• Yellow and orange fruits – mango, cantaloupe, pawpaw

2. Vitamin D: This vitamin aids in bone-making and bone maintenance. It helps regulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus for bone health.

Good sources include

  • Formed in the skin during exposure to sunlight.
  • Dairy products,
  • Egg yolk, fish, liver oils, tuna, omena
  • Yeast

3. Vitamin C also is known as ascorbic acid: This mineral strengthens blood vessels, forms scar tissue, and helps with bone growth. It is an antioxidant that strengthens resistance to infection and improves immunity. It also improves the absorption of iron.

Good sources include

  • Most fresh fruits especially citrus fruits and vegetables.

4. Folic acid or folate: This mineral is essential for blood cell formation and protein metabolism

Good sources include

  • Green leafy vegetables, liver, fortified grain products, legumes and seeds.

5. Iron: This mineral is part of the protein haemoglobin which carries oxygen in the body and prevents anaemia.

Good sources include:

  • Red meats, liver, poultry, fish and eggs
  • Beans, peas, dried fruit,
  • Some green leafy vegetables
  • Certain foods e.g. too much spinach may contain phytates, which may inhibit iron absorption.

6. Calcium: This is the principal mineral of bones and teeth. It is involved in the normal muscle contraction (including heart muscle)
Good sources include

  • Milk and milk products
  • Small fish with bones e.g Omena
  • Tofu
  • Broccoli, cabbage
  • Legumes.