How to help your toddler share a room with new sibling


In many homes, having your kids share a room is usually something that has to be done because of the space available. It is for this reason that parents are advised to adequately prepare their older children to share their room with a sibling. However, when it comes to toddlers, it is important to plan ahead if you anticipate a bit of resistance to room sharing.

To make the transition to room-sharing much smoother, here are some helpful tips you could try out.

1. Talk to your toddler about the upcoming changes in their sleeping arrangements and the need to accept their sibling in their room. It is also good to explain that you will be visiting the room often to breastfeed or check on the baby and that they can continue sleeping or go back to sleep after you leave.

2. Create a personal space for your toddler so that they do not feel like their room is being taken over. The best way to do this is to split the room in half by placing toddler items on one side and the new baby’s stuff on the other side to give them a sense of privacy.

3. Finally, be firm but patient with your toddler especially if they have a hard time accepting the new sleeping arrangement. Continually encourage your toddler to share their room but be on the lookout for any behaviour that may put your baby in danger. In most cases, it gets better over time and soon the two become inseparable both day and night.