Helping Your Toddler Sleep Through the Night


Nothing ruins a mum’s peace of mind like a toddler who keeps waking up at night. Unfortunately, most will not go back to bed until you wake up and lure them to sleep. However, at this stage, you expect your baby to be sleeping peacefully without interrupting your night. So how do you make a toddler sleep through the night?

  1. Create soothing pre-bedtime activities like:
    • Reading bedtime stories
    • Go to the bedroom before sleep time, dim the lights and calm the child with lullabies.
    • Serve some warm milk or breastfeed before sleep.
    • Talk to your child while soothing them to sleep. A parent’s voice is therapeutic.
    • Ensure the baby has used the potty before going to bed.
    • Make sure the young one is well fed.
  2. Plan to have the child take naps early in the afternoon and stick to a specific time. Also, keep him busy throughout the day with games so that he is tired enough to sleep through the night.
  3. Create and maintain a sleep routine where your baby goes to bed at a particular time every day. It would help if you introduced the schedule when your child is two months old for better results. Also, let everybody in the house know the time plan and implement it when you’re not around. Read more about how to create a sleep routine here.
  4. Avoid placing your young one’s bed next to the staircase, door or window. If you stay in a noisy environment, put the baby cot away from the noise.
  5. Let your child sleep with his favorite teddy bear. Sometimes such comfort objects help the little ones overcome fear and loneliness. Ensure that the toy can’t injure the child.
  6. Check the mattress, bedspreads and pajamas frequently. They should be comfortable and dry. The Baby’s mattress should be firm and well-fitting. Cotton is the most appropriate material for pajamas. It’s soft, absorbent and gentle on the skin. You can purchase Baby Banda Fitted cot sheets here.
  7. If the child has been through a traumatic experience like illness, expect disruptions at night. When that happens, keep reassuring the baby that all is well. Listen to whatever he has to say. Of course, their speech is not well-formed, but they know a few words.
  8. It’s hard for toddlers to sleep throughout the night when they have the flu, ear infections or teething problems. If that’s the case, consult your pediatrician for the right pain killer or humidifier.
  9. Avoid the temptation to give a toddler junk food before bed. If you must provide a snack, opt for a fruit or foods that promote sleep in children.
  10. Discourage other members of your household from exposing the little one to horror and violent movies and TV shows. These materials will create fear in your child, and he might have nightmares that keep waking him up.

No matter how perfect your plan is, your baby will wake up in the middle of the night once in a while. However, if the problem persists, consult a doctor to rule out sleep disorders.