Do Pregnant Mums Have Unique Dreams?


Dreams are often a reflection of thoughts in our subconscious and can reveal one’s emotional state as well. However, for pregnant mums, their dreams become more vivid and easy to remember because of the changes they are undergoing physically and emotionally. The dreams vary from one trimester to the next and can get more intense as your delivery date nears. In some cases, “expectant” dads also experience pregnancy-related dreams when their partners are expectant.
Although dreams that women have when pregnant are diverse, some of the most common ones for mums include:

– Dreams of life with the unborn baby
Expectant mums often dream of holding their babies and caring for all their needs. Some mothers even see themselves breastfeeding and having a feeling of deep connection with their unborn baby. Some experts say such dreams reveal the longing of a new mum to start their parenting journey.

– Dreams about labour
Most mums dream about labour in a positive or negative way with some experiencing a lot of pain while others have it easy. Most times, labour dreams are exaggerated leaving mums anxious about their upcoming delivery date.

– Dreams of strange babies
Delivery of babies that are of a different race or have deformities is also common in dreams. These dreams often reveal anxieties that soon to be mums are having about the physical features of their unborn baby.

Generally, pregnancy dreams should not be taken too seriously as they are not an accurate prediction of the future, instead soon to be mums should remain positive, visit the clinic at scheduled date(s), focus on eating healthy and get enough rest as they wait for their delivery date.