Hi please help I want to stop my baby from breastfeeding…

Hi, please help? I want to stop my baby from breastfeeding. What can I do because I’ve tried and she cant stop crying.

1 Answers
babybandababybanda Staff

Day 1
Start the entire weaning process in a gradual, slow manner. Don’t stop breastfeeding abruptly; rather start by reducing the frequency of the feeds and gradually stop. Your brain needs time to realize that the milk is no longer needed and so stop production
Day 2
Drink lots of water. If you become dehydrated, your body will tend to hold onto the fluids making engorgement worse, and your discomfort will increase.
Day 3
Take a cup of sage tea every 3 hours, you can get sage tea in health foods stores, you can also get the spice, steep in boiling water, add some honey and drink.
Day 4
Watch for the development of any lumps or sore areas in the breasts. If this occurs, it probably signifies that a plugged milk duct is present. Begin paying extra attention to the area and increase massage time to it. The point is to break the plug up with massage. Warm showers can be beneficial in helping massage work more effectively.
Day 5
Avoid nipple stimulation, as this will trigger milk production. Wear a supportive, but not-too-tight bra. Begin wearing a good fitting bra, even during sleep. Avoid bras that contain under wires. Another trick is to bind your breast a bit with a khanga or leso at night
Day 6
Place some large cabbage leaves into the cup of your bra. Scrape the inside of the cabbage leaf with a fork before doing so. This has been used for centuries to help hasten the drying up process of the milk.
Day 7
Use distraction methods to prevent your baby from craving your breasts. Distraction can be accomplished easily and in many different ways. Anything that averts your baby’s attention from the breast is a successful distraction tactic. Find alternative ways to comfort and reassure your baby that do not involve the breast
You can read more information on this here: https://motherhood101.co.ke/how-to-stop-breastfeeding/