Teaching how to share


My daughter learnt a phrase in the School last term. She came home shouting, “Sharing is caring!” I asked what that meant and she just looked at me and shrugged. How do you teach your child about sharing from an early age?

The concept of sharing does not come easily to children as most of them consider everything “mine.” The best mirror that your child has is you. Your toddler will generally want to ape what she sees you doing. If she notices you sharing what you have, then you will find that it is easier to teach this principle. The most ideal age to start teaching sharing is around the age of 2 years.

Tips on teaching how to share
  1. Prepare your child about learning how to share. Talk about ownership e.g. this is my cup; that is your cup; this is mummy’s cup.
  2. Teach your child the basic idea of taking turns. You could clap 3 times and then tell them, “Now it’s your turn to clap.”
  3. When other people are sharing, point it out to your child so that they can get an idea of what you mean.
  4. Use the words “share” and “sharing” when you, your child, and others share so your child will learn what the words mean.
  5. Give advance warning if a sharing situation will come up. E.g. Akoth is coming to visit. Will you allow her to play with your doll?
  6. Allow your child to choose what he wants to share. Ask for permission first and if he does not want to share a particular toy, ask for an alternative one. This empowers him and makes him feel respected rather than resentful.
  7. Give your child lots of praise when she does share freely. This will encourage her to share more often.
  8. Make it fun, get some crayons and ask to use the one he is using or exchange with yours. This will help your baby understand the concept of sharing during play.