Three (3) fun games to help your toddler learn sharing


For many Kenyan parents, teaching their toddler to share is as hard as anywhere across the globe. It is common to find them whining and throwing tantrums when asked to share leaving their parents frustrated. However, making sharing a fun activity has been proven to work with many toddlers responding positively to a variety of entertaining games.

When choosing games that will teach your toddler to share, it is important to choose those that are simple to understand while encouraging cooperation and less competition. Some of these games include:

Jigsaw puzzles – For a jigsaw to be complete, you need to place the pieces in the right places. For your toddler to learn to share, have him and his friends or siblings take turns to add relevant pieces to the puzzle. They will learn that for the puzzle to be complete, they have to share the pieces with others.

Football – This is a common game in Kenya that is great for teaching children to share and take turns. Toddlers can kick the football to one other or take turns to kick it towards the goal. Also, the game is good from exercise and building teamwork among children.

Hide and Seek – This a simple game that encourages taking turns as one child does the counting while others run and hide. Ensure that every child gets a turn to count and hide as well to make it fun for all.