Getting Pregnant

Pregnancy is a divine moment for every woman and a joy to every woman – longing for the day they will hold their little one. In getting pregnant there are several crucial things couples need to consider and prepare.

As a couple you will need to visiting the doctor (preconception visit) before trying to conceive, particularly those on their first baby, or with underlying health concerns or problems. It is best to schedule the appointment at least three months before to leave enough time for any vaccines required.

Common causes of delayed conception in Kenya

Majority of couples in Kenya start trying for a baby a few years into their marriage and typically have two to three children within...

Emergency Contraception

It’s no secret that many young Kenyan ladies misuse emergency contraceptives, commonly known as the ‘morning after’ pill. As a result, a good number...

An overview of Cancer and Infertility

The rise in cases of cancer in adults, as well as children in Kenya, has left many worried about its effects on one’s reproductive...
A glamour-filled Baby Banda Pregnancy and Baby Fair

Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM)

This method works as frequent suckling decreases the secretion of GnRF (gonadotropin-releasing factor) by the hypothalamus. This, in turn, suppresses the anterior pituitary glands...

How to prepare for an appointment with a Fertility Specialist

Feeling helpless when pregnancy does not happen as planned is common among couples in such situations. However, for those that take the next step...

Important questions to ask your doctor when choosing contraceptives in Kenya

Contraceptives are the most common option for women in Kenya that want to prevent pregnancy yet remain sexually active. When making the choice for...

Getting pregnant after a miscarriage

Losing a baby through a miscarriage is often traumatizing for most women regardless of the duration of the pregnancy. It is common to find...

Causes of infertility in Kenyan men

In Kenya, it is common to find that women get blamed more than men for the inability to bear children. It is not unusual...

Pros and cons of common birth control options in Kenya

In Kenya, contraceptives are quite accessible with most women getting them from hospitals or local health centres. However, not all contraceptives being sold are...

Implantable Devices – Birth Control Methods

These are devices that are inserted into the body and left in place for a few years. Implantable Rod This is a matchstick-size, flexible rod that...

Sex Positions and Trying to Conceive

Are there certain sex positions that increase your chances for conception? You will hear this question many times among women. Well, from a scientific...

Common Side Effects of Stopping the Use of Contraceptives

The decision to stop using contraceptives is often a sign that a woman is getting her body ready for conception. In cases where the...

Causes of infertility in Kenyan men

In Kenya, it is common to find that women get blamed more than men for the inability to bear children. It is not unusual...
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