Vaginal Birth after C-Section (VBAC)

Your first baby birth ended in an emergency c-section. Can you later have a vaginal birth? Is it possible? What are the risks? A few years ago it was almost guaranteed that once you had a C-Section, you had to have all your children the same way. However, a lot of progress has been made in this field and it is now possible to consider having a baby vaginally even after a previous C-section.

Vaginal Birth after C Section

Having A Vaginal Birth After C-Section (VBAC)?

Yes, you can. Women who have had a baby through caesarian can still deliver naturally. Nevertheless, you need to have a long talk with...
Vaginal Birth after C Section

Risks of Vaginal Birth After C-section (VBAC)

Asha* (not her real name) was 37 weeks pregnant with her second baby. After a long day at work, she decided to take a...
Induction of Labour.Risks and Benefits

Methods of Induction of Labour

Sweeping of the Membranes Sweeping of the membrane involves your health care provider performing a vaginal examination and placing a finger just inside your cervix...
Pre-term Labour

Common Causes Of Preterm Labor In Kenyan Mothers

Preterm labour is when a woman’s body starts showing signs of giving birth before their due date. In most cases, the labour begins three...

The Delivery Experience

From that first contraction to the final push, here's a summary of what to expect during labour and delivery. Your cervix will open to about...
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