Preventing Malaria During Pregnancy

It is El Niño season! The mosquitoes love this season too and with this, malaria flourishes. It is important to protect yourself and your...

How to Prevent Infection and Keep your Unborn Baby Safe

As exciting as pregnancy is, it’s also a very vulnerable time and for the most part, you have to ensure that you take steps...
True and Flase Labor.

Early Pregnancy Bleeding Complications

Spontaneous Abortion or Miscarriage Abortion describes the loss of pregnancy before the foetus is viable which is medically defined as less than 20 weeks’ gestation...

Antenatal clinics: When is ideal time to begin?

For many women in Kenya, confirmation of pregnancy is usually after taking a home test or after a hospital visit for a regular check-up....

Benefits of Using 3D Ultrasound Testing When Pregnant

The thought of seeing your unborn baby is quite exciting for many first time mums in Kenya. It is common to find many parents...
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