Allergies and Toddlers

It’s normal to discover that your toddler is allergic to things you’ve never been allergic to. The most common allergens among Kenyan children are...

Head Lice

"Mummy! My head is itchy!" Your baby may have been infected with the dreaded head lice. Head lice are tiny insects that live on the...

Tips To Protect Your Child From School Infections

There is one main reason why most moms dread the kids going back to school; the sniffles, coughs, stuffy noses and other common childhood...

Signs, Infection and Treatment of Worms

Worm infestation occurs when worms live as parasitic adults in the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. Children are particularly vulnerable to getting these infestations as they...

Food Allergies

A food allergy is a reaction to the protein in food. When introducing a new food, it is important to look for signs of...

Overview of Toddler Illnesses in Kenya

The probability of your toddler getting sick while at home or childcare is quite high as their immune system is still not strong enough...

Most common reasons toddlers in Kenya refuse to share

For children, sharing is often a foreign term until it is taught and demonstrated by parents. Toddlers in Kenya are no different with many...

Popular methods of potty training

 POPULAR METHODS OF POTTY TRAINING For many Kenyan parents, potty training is often approached with uncertainty and anxiety. The main reason is the work and...

How to Make Children Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

If you’re looking for ways of persuading children to eat more fruits and vegetables, you are not alone. Every parent wishes there was a...
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