How to Discipline your Toddler

Toddlers can easily become little tyrants and it is important to establish control from the onset. You must set up a set of rules...

Characteristics of a 2 year old Toddler

A two year old toddler is able to do simple tasks without your help. The baby’s realized that he/she is no longer an extension...

How to Maintain Consistency in Discipline

When it comes to the discipline of toddlers, consistency is very important if they are to learn right from wrong. Even so, many parents...

Alternative ways to discipline toddlers without spanking

In most Kenyan homes, spanking a toddler may be considered the best way to discipline a toddler. However, spanking or hitting can go overboard...

Effective ways to discipline toddlers

Getting toddlers to behave well is an uphill task for many parents in Kenya resulting in frustration and the use of ineffective discipline techniques....

Common discipline mistakes made by parents of toddlers

Handling toddler behaviour is a concept most parents learn as they raise their own child alone or alongside their siblings. In most cases, their...

Terrible Twos: What to Expect

Many mums in Kenya are warned about “the terrible twos” as their toddler gets closer to that age in a few weeks or months....

Signs That Your Toddler Has Hit “Terrible twos”

Most parents in Kenya that have toddlers approaching two years old have the fear of the “terrible twos”. It is common to find them...

Handling Aggression in Toddlers

One of the things that will concern a parent is when a child is particularly aggressive. There are several factors that may contribute to...

Parenting Your 2 year Old

How can you make the road through toddlerhood less bumpy? Here are a few tips: • Encourage and allow as much independence as possible whilst...

How to help your toddler share a room with new sibling

In many homes, having your kids share a room is usually something that has to be done because of the space available. It is...

Transitioning Twins to Toddler Beds

Parents with twins are likely to face double challenges when transitioning them to toddler beds. The transition requires cooperation from both children as they...

Introducing a Sippy Cup to A Breastfed Baby

Introducing the sippy cup to a baby that has been breastfeeding exclusively is a challenge to all mothers. Babies do not want to let...
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