Eating out: Foods to stay away from when pregnant


For most pregnant women in Kenya, eating out is a great way to bond with others while enjoying food that is not homemade. The meals served at the restaurant can be traditional foods or junk food depending on your preference. Even so, most eating places offer meals that can be eaten by soon to be mums but it is important for them to be hygienically prepared.

If unsure of the things to look out for when eating out so as to avoid food poisoning, here is a list to help you out.

  • If interested in eating fish, avoid raw ones (sushi) and instead request for tilapia, sardines or even prawns that are well cooked.
  • Salads are a healthy option for expectant women but ensure that they are freshly prepared for you. If possible, order cooked vegetables which are much safer than raw vegetables.
  • Ready to eat meals are a no go zone because of the bacteria that are likely to have contaminated them during storage. Request for food that has been freshly prepared and is thoroughly cooked. Also, avoid sauces that contain raw eggs to avoid health risks.
  • When ordering desserts ensure that they do not contain raw eggs that are common in ice cream and soufflés. Cakes and fruits are a better and safer choice for pregnant women.
  • Finally, avoid drinking any type of alcohol with your meal and limit your intake if taking coffee as it contains caffeine. Juice or non-alcohol wine is a safer choice.