Signs That Your Toddler Has Hit “Terrible twos”


Most parents in Kenya that have toddlers approaching two years old have the fear of the “terrible twos”. It is common to find them preparing by reading books or consulting with parents of much older children. The main aim is to have an idea of what to expect so that they can plan their reaction in advance. Unfortunately, not every toddler manifests their “terrible twos” the same way, making it important for parents to be on the lookout for signs that the phase has begun.

As mentioned, every toddler is different but there are some common behaviour traits among children at this age that indicate they have reached this dreaded stage of growth. Some of the behaviours demonstrated include:

• Lack of respect for boundaries – Your once well-behaved toddler that understood the few rules set up at home is now defying them all. When told to do something they are likely to do the opposite leaving parents frustrated.

• Communication is by screaming – Your toddler responds by screaming when corrected or an object is taken away from them. Some even bang their heads or bang household stuff on walls and furniture to register their anger or frustration.

Unexpected mood swings – Your child may be calm and friendly one minute and throwing tantrums in the next one. They can be quite a handful, especially when outdoors or visiting friends during these mood swing episodes.

In general, the ability to notice these signs as soon as they occur makes it easier for parents to handle this stage of their toddler’s growth much better thereby reducing frustrations associated with it.