Toddlerhood is a fascinating growth stage for babies and can get somewhat frustrating for a Parent. For instance, it is not uncommon see a Toddler in the supermarket or in any other setting, rolling on the ground, screaming as loudly as they can when they are denied an indulgence. Situations like these put a Parent in embarrassing and sometimes awkward situations. That aside there are many dynamics that come with this growth stage such as bed transitions, sleep and diet. They are also beginning to develop character. Read through our articles’ to help you navigate some of this stage

Is Sleep As Important As Diet ?

Why is a good night’s rest important for Children? Sleep is an essential part of everyone’s routine and an indispensable part of a healthy lifestyle....


How to Discipline your Toddler

Toddlers can easily become little tyrants and it is important to establish control from the onset. You must set up a set of rules...


Teaching how to share

My daughter learnt a phrase in the School last term. She came home shouting, "Sharing is caring!" I asked what that meant and she...

Feeding your Toddler


Tips to Potty Training Your Baby

Right from the start, decide what you are going to name the process. In Kenya, some of the common names given are ‘pee-pee, susu, kojoa,...


Allergies and Toddlers

It’s normal to discover that your toddler is allergic to things you’ve never been allergic to. The most common allergens among Kenyan children are...


Support your Child when they Bed wet

Your baby may get daytime bladder control by the age of three. However, nighttime control may take a little longer. Bedwetting is involuntarily wetting...

Allergies and Toddlers

It’s normal to discover that your toddler is allergic to things you’ve never been allergic to. The most common allergens among Kenyan children are...

Signs, Infection and Treatment of Worms

Worm infestation occurs when worms live as parasitic adults in the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. Children are particularly vulnerable to getting these infestations as they...
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