Transitioning Twins to Toddler Beds


Parents with twins are likely to face double challenges when transitioning them to toddler beds. The transition requires cooperation from both children as they usually feed off each other’s energy. If one twin is ready to move to their bed and the other is reluctant, the transition may not happen as planned. Some of the ways to ensure that your toddlers enjoy the transition and adapt to the changes are:

• Preparing them in advance
Most twins enjoy sharing a crib and will likely resist being placed in separate beds. The best way to reduce resistance to the transition is by involving them in the purchase of beds and beddings. Allow them to help you set up their room as a way to build up the excitement of sleeping on their own in the near future.

• Investing in bunk beds
It is common to witness fighting among twins when sharing a bed making it hard for them to share a room. To avoid such fights when moving them to toddler beds, it is advisable to buy bunk beds. The beds will allow them to enjoy their own space when sleeping even as they share the room for other activities.

• Practising patience
Getting your twin toddlers to sleep in their beds will take some time as they adjust to the new changes. It is important to encourage them to love their new beds by placing them in their room on a regular basis so that they are familiar with their new surroundings.