Importance of Breastfeeding Training in Hospital


Breastfeeding does not come naturally as is often perceived by many first time mums in Kenya. Mums need to be trained on the best way to breastfeed so that they do not get frustrated during the early stages and give up altogether.

Fortunately, many hospitals in Kenya have realized the need to offer training to breastfeeding mums and often include lactation consultants as part of their maternity packages. If you are planning to give birth soon, it is advisable to seek the services of a lactation expert so that you are given tips on breastfeeding before leaving for home with your newborn.

New mums that want to enjoy their breastfeeding journey cannot ignore the benefits that getting trained on the process gives them and their baby. The training makes the six months exclusive breastfeeding journey easier while enhancing the mother-baby bond for years to come.

Apart from the obvious benefits of going through breastfeeding training, here are some things that new mums should keep in mind when considering whether to sign up for training while still at the hospital.

  • Access to professional support – Breastfeeding can be very frustrating especially if you have not done it before. Many mums express frustrations at the inability of newborns to latch well and suckle on their own. However, with proper training, mums are able to be patient and gently guide their babies until they are able to latch properly. Most lactation experts also offer encouragement to mums as they learn to hold and position the baby well when breastfeeding.
  • Hands-on training Lactation experts go beyond theory to practically demonstrate breastfeeding techniques to new mums. They train on the proper holding of newborns so that you and your baby are comfortable while breastfeeding. Latching difficulties are also addressed and changes made until your baby finds the best position to suckle. Also, they help by alleviating any fears associated with breastfeeding for mums that may not be confident in their new role.
  • Offer solutions to breastfeeding problems – It is common to find many first time- mums having a lot of information on breastfeeding either from the internet or from close friends and family that are already parents. However, it is good to note that every breastfeeding journey is unique and should be approached with an open mind. Mums that have problems such as low production of milk, inverted nipples and painful breasts can only be assisted by a professional that can quickly assess the problem and then offer tailor-made solutions for them.
  •  Training on breastfeeding-related equipment – Most mums in Kenya use breast pumps to express milk that is fed to their babies when they are away from home. Using the pumps effectively requires some training and is often offered by lactation specialists making the transition from breast to bottle much easier in the long run.

Overall, the need for training on breastfeeding cannot be underestimated by new mums as it has a positive impact on the way you bond with your baby from birth until toddler-hood.