Getting Pregnant

Pregnancy is a divine moment for every woman and a joy to every woman – longing for the day they will hold their little one. In getting pregnant there are several crucial things couples need to consider and prepare.

As a couple you will need to visiting the doctor (preconception visit) before trying to conceive, particularly those on their first baby, or with underlying health concerns or problems. It is best to schedule the appointment at least three months before to leave enough time for any vaccines required.

Getting Pregnant after Stopping Family Planning

Having a second or third baby for any mummy-to-be requires them to discontinue the use of contraceptives. However, many are usually worried about the...

Common myths in Kenya about birth control after baby

Myths about contraceptives in Kenya are quite a number resulting in many women avoiding them and putting their lives in danger. It is common...

Permanent Birth Control Methods

This is for people who are sure they never want to have a child or they do not want more children. Sterilization Implant (Essure) Essure is...

Fertility Challenges for Women when Using Birth Control

The use of birth control or contraceptives is prevalent in Kenya with women as young as eighteen years using them to prevent pregnancy. Majority...

Getting back on birth control after delivery

Getting pregnant a few weeks after delivery is possible whether you are exclusively breastfeeding or not. Most women in Kenya may be unaware that...

How to prepare for an appointment with a Fertility Specialist

Feeling helpless when pregnancy does not happen as planned is common among couples in such situations. However, for those that take the next step...
A glamour-filled Baby Banda Pregnancy and Baby Fair

Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM)

This method works as frequent suckling decreases the secretion of GnRF (gonadotropin-releasing factor) by the hypothalamus. This, in turn, suppresses the anterior pituitary glands...

Emergency Contraception

It’s no secret that many young Kenyan ladies misuse emergency contraceptives, commonly known as the ‘morning after’ pill. As a result, a good number...

Sex Positions and Trying to Conceive

Are there certain sex positions that increase your chances for conception? You will hear this question many times among women. Well, from a scientific...

Nutrition for Conception

Most women will change their feeding habits the minute that they find out that they are pregnant. However, research shows that your pre-conception diet...

Common causes of delayed conception in Kenya

Majority of couples in Kenya start trying for a baby a few years into their marriage and typically have two to three children within...

Fertility Challenges for Women when Using Birth Control

The use of birth control or contraceptives is prevalent in Kenya with women as young as eighteen years using them to prevent pregnancy. Majority...

The ABCs of Ovulation

Ovulation is the most fertile period of your menstrual cycle. It is the development and release of the egg (Ovum) from your ovaries. This...
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