Alcohol and drug abuse during Pregnancy

A mum once told me that she had been advised to give her colicky baby a spoonful of beer. Another shared that a glass of beer helps with milk production. There is a lot of conflicting information that you may get during pregnancy but one advice you are bound to hear often is that alcohol is not good for the growing baby. Why is this so? What effects does alcohol have on your baby? Is there a ‘safe’ amount that you can take?

Tobacco Smoking During Pregnancy

The news that you have to forego your cigarettes for nine months is devastating, especially if you’re used to a few sticks per day....

Drug Abuse During Pregnancy

You have seen the government wage war on drugs and substance abuse in our country. Unfortunately, many female addicts find themselves pregnant. It’s also...

Alcohol Intake During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, alcohol passes from the mother’s bloodstream through the placenta and into the baby’s bloodstream, where it can affect its development. It would...

10 things I Wish Someone had Told Me…

When I got my first baby, I had all these romantic expectations on what my breastfeeding experience would be. Here are some of the...

High risk pregnancy in Kenya: What You Need To Know

The words “high risk” usually means that a woman needs to take extra care of herself during her pregnancy. In Kenya, many expectant women...
Food Safety During Pregnancy

Food Safety Guide When You Are Pregnant

What you eat during pregnancy is very important as it nourishes your little one. However, it is important to ensure that you take precautions...
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