Changes that take place when mums stop breastfeeding


The decision to stop breastfeeding is usually a personal one for many mums in Kenya with many doing it at the onset of weaning. Even so, some mums, especially those that are parents for the first time, have no idea what to expect when they stop breastfeeding. Stopping to breastfeed brings with it various changes in the bodies that are likely to catch many mums by surprise although most of them are natural.

Here are the most common body and emotional changes that mums experience when they stop breastfeeding.

Mood swings – Feeling upset and finding yourself tearing with no reason is a common consequence of stopping to breastfeed. The main reason for the mood changes is hormonal changes such as the reduction of prolactin as well as oxytocin levels in the body. In most cases, the feelings cease within a short time but if they last longer, it is advisable for a mum to seek medical advice.

Shrinking of breasts – When a mum stops breastfeeding the cells that help make milk begin to shrink and fat cells also reduce in size. As these changes occur over many months, the breasts begin to become smaller and may even go back to their size before pregnancy.

Reduced milk supply – Although many mums believe that their milk supply will stop immediately they stop breastfeeding that is often not the case. Most times, the supply reduces over time or even become irregular and can take weeks or even months before no milk is produced from the breast.