Sterilizing Feeding Equipment


Since your baby’s immune system is not yet fully developed, your baby is more susceptible to infections that lead to diarrhoea and vomiting. It is therefore vital to observe high standards of hygiene when it comes to your baby’s feeding equipment.

To keep the feeding equipment clean:

  • First, wash your hands well with soap and water and clean the work surfaces with hot soapy water.
  • Clean the feeding bottle and teat in hot, soapy water using a clean bottle brush.
  • Rinse all your equipment in clean, cold running water.
  • Sterilize the equipment.
  • When assembling the equipment, wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Remove them just before use.
  • If you are not using them immediately, put them in a clean airtight container to avoid contamination.
Sterilizing feeding equipment

Sterilizing the equipment ensures that any germs that may still be on the bottle are destroyed. There are several ways in which you can sterilize your baby’s feeding equipment.

1. Coldwater sterilizing solution

In this way, you use either a sterilizing solution or tablets that are put in a specific amount of cold water. Locally available brands include Sterol, Milton, etc. Ensure that you:

  • Follow the instructions given in regard to the amount of sterilizing fluid to be used.
  • Change the sterilizing solution every 24 hours.
  • Leave feeding equipment in the sterilizing solution for at least 30 minutes.
  • Ensure that all the equipment is fully immersed in the solution.
  • Drip dry the equipment.
2. Sterilizing by boiling

In this method, you boil the equipment to kill the germs. For this method, do ensure that:

  • The equipment will not be damaged by boiling.
  • Boil the feeding equipment in water for at least 10 minutes.
  • Ensure that all the items stay under the surface of the water.
  • Drip dry the equipment after this and if you are not using it immediately, store in an airtight container.
3. Steam sterilizing

In this method, you can either use an Electric Sterilizer or Microwave Sterilizer. For these methods ensure that:

  • Follow the instructions given.
  • Ensure that the openings of the bottles and teats face down in the sterilizer.
  • Leave the equipment inside the sterilizer if you are not using it for 24 hours in which case you can re-sterilize again.