Labour, Birth & After

“There is a secret in our culture, and it’s not that birth is painful. It’s that women are strong.” ~ Laura Stavoe Harm.  Understanding how labor works prepares you for the work ahead and the amazing strength that every woman has to birth her child.

Induction of Labour.Risks and Benefits

Induction of Labour

Induction of labour occurs when your doctor uses medicine to start your labour for you instead of waiting for it to begin on its...
Labour Warning Signs. Signs that You will Deliver Soon!

Labour Warning Signs. Signs that You will Deliver Soon!

Labour Warning Signs. These are Signs of pre-labour that indicate that the body is preparing and ready for delivery anytime and range from nausea,...
Preparing For Labour : Childbirth Preparation

Preparing For Labour : Childbirth Preparation

Preparing For Labour: Childbirth Preparation a detailed guide, comprehensively done on what to and not to do before childbirth Preparing For Labour: Childbirth Preparation Classes...

Common Complaints after Delivery

1. Back and Pelvic Pain One of the most common complaints that you hear from new mums is, "I have a backache!" It is important...

Sex After Delivery

For most new mums getting back to sex after the lapse of the six-week window given by doctors is a bit scary. In most...
Baby after birth

What Happens to Your Baby after Birth?

Most pregnant women only think about labour and birth. However, once your baby is finally born, there are several procedures that are followed soon...
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