Preventing Malaria During Pregnancy

It is El Niño season! The mosquitoes love this season too and with this, malaria flourishes. It is important to protect yourself and your...

Alcohol Intake During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, alcohol passes from the mother’s bloodstream through the placenta and into the baby’s bloodstream, where it can affect its development. It would...

Feeding Infants and Young Children Born to HIV Infected Mothers

Transmission of HIV Through Breastfeeding According to the Ministry of Health, statistics show that 3 to 4 out of every 10 infants born to HIV...
Anti-HIV medications during labor and delivery

Anti-HIV medications for the newborn

The baby receives medication within 6 to 12 hours after delivery. Babies born to women infected with HIV receive an anti-HIV medication which helps...
Anti-HIV medications during labor and delivery

Anti-HIV medications during labor and delivery

Anti-HIV medications during labour and delivery. Intrapartum care is the management of women from the onset of labour to delivery. This period poses the greatest...

Taking Anti-HIV Medication When Pregnant

When to start taking anti-HIV medications depends on your health, how much HIV has affected your body, and how far along you are in...

Transmission of HIV

HIV is transmitted (passed) from one person to another through specific body fluids—blood, semen, genital fluids, and breast milk. Mother-to-child transmission of HIV is...

HIV Testing in Pregnancy

HIV testing is recommended for all pregnant women to prevent Mother-to-Child transmission of HIV which is the passing of HIV from a woman infected...

How To Handle Bed Rest During Pregnancy

Sometimes you may experience complications during your pregnancy and your doctor may put you on bed rest to protect your pregnancy. This time is...

Sleep, Diet & Exercise

SLEEPING POSITIONS During the 2nd and 3rd trimester, its gets particularly difficult to be able to get a comfortable sleeping position. If you're accustomed to...

The Employer’s Responsibilities

Most people in Kenya do not take the task of employing a nanny seriously and will offer ‘casual’ kind of employment to the first...
Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Pregnancy Stretch Marks: What to do?

For many pregnant women here in Kenya, physical changes in the body is the norm with the most common being the appearance of stretch...

How to Prevent Infection and Keep your Unborn Baby Safe

As exciting as pregnancy is, it’s also a very vulnerable time and for the most part, you have to ensure that you take steps...
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