
Breastfeeding is a natural choice with many benefits to you and your baby. Breastfeeding is a wonderful, bonding experience between you and your baby and also offers many practical benefits. Research shows that the longer you breastfeed, the more you and your baby will benefit. The Ministry of health recommends that new mothers breastfeed exclusively for 6 months and continue on for at least 18-24 months after introducing solids.


Best for baby
Reduces incidence of allergies
Economical – no waste
Antibodies – greater immunity to infections
Stool inoffensive – never constipated
Temperature always correct and constant
Fresh milk – never goes sour in the breast
Emotionally bonding
Easy once established
Digested easily within two to three hours
Immediately available
Nutritionally balanced
Gastroenteritis greatly reduced

Common Breastfeeding Challenges

Breastfeeding can be challenging at times, especially in the early days. But it is important to remember that you are not alone. Below are...
How to Express Milk by Hand Or Machine

How to Express Milk by Hand Or Machine

How to Express Milk by Hand Or Machine. Breast milk is essential for babies. To ensure that your baby has adequate milk supply you...

Preparing To Breastfeed

Once you discover that you are expecting, you start going for prenatal clinics, shopping for the baby and eating well. Breastfeeding is one of...

Challenges breastfeeding the older baby

1. When your baby bites you Every so often, we can hear your loud scream of pain as your baby tests his brand new...

Breastfeeding Twins

Multiples & Twins The benefits of human milk to mothers of multiples and their babies are the same as for all mothers and babies. They...

Breastfeeding Cleft Lip and Pre-term babies

Cleft Palate and Cleft Lip Cleft palate and cleft lip are some of the most common birth defects that happen as a baby is developing...

Signs That Breastfeeding is Going Well

• Your baby is breastfeeding at least 8 times every 24 hours. • You can hear your baby gulping or swallow at feedings. • Once your...

Benefits of Human Milk

Benefits of Breastfeeding the Baby Human milk contains (a)Antimicrobial agents (b) Anti-inflammatory agents,  (c) mmunologic stimulating agents and (d) regulating substances. These include immunoglobulins (immunity...

Feeding a baby with Cleft Lip and/or Palate

Babies with a cleft lip can usually breastfeed. Placing the baby in an upright position with the cleft covered by the mother’s finger or...

Breastfeeding Support Options in Kenya

For breastfeeding to feel natural and enjoyable for first-time mums, it is important to get trained on the process early enough. Fortunately, breastfeeding support...

Simple Meal Plan for First Time Mums when Breastfeeding

Below is a simple sample meal plan that can be adopted by new mums and customized to meet their personal needs. Monday: Breakfast: Fried eggs, wholemeal...

Challenges breastfeeding the older baby

1. When your baby bites you Every so often, we can hear your loud scream of pain as your baby tests his brand new...

10 things I wish someone had told me about Breastfeeding

When I got my first baby, I had all these romantic expectations on what my breastfeeding experience would be. Here are some of the...
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