Feeding your Toddler

Any baby who is between 12-36 months is generally referred to as a toddler. These years are usually characterised by a period of rapid...

How to Make Children Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

If you’re looking for ways of persuading children to eat more fruits and vegetables, you are not alone. Every parent wishes there was a...

Quantity Guideline for the Toddler

When planning and serving meals to your toddler, try to have him/her consume the following on a daily basis. A good rule for serving...

Drinks Offered to Toddlers

Both the foods and the drinks you offer your toddler are important in helping her to grow up healthy. Find out what drinks to...
Nutritional Requirements

Nutritional Requirements for your Toddler

In the first few years, your child has specific nutritional needs for healthy growth. Toddlers aged 1-3 years are growing and developing quickly and it's an...

Proven rules to instill good eating habits in your toddler

Majority of Kenyan mums that are raising toddlers concur that mealtimes are the most frustrating for them. The main reason is that toddlers become...

Toddler eating: Best ways to cope with a fussy eater

Mealtimes for most mums that have toddlers in Kenya can be very frustrating especially if they are a fussy eater. Majority of toddlers, although...

Common toddler eating problems in Kenya

For most toddlers, choosing what they eat or don’t eat is one of the ways in which they exercise a bit of control over...

Introducing a Sippy Cup to A Breastfed Baby

Introducing the sippy cup to a baby that has been breastfeeding exclusively is a challenge to all mothers. Babies do not want to let...

Good Sources of Vitamins and Minerals

The most common phrase repeated to children everywhere is ‘eat your vegetables’. Fruits and vegetables are great sources of vitamins and minerals, but did...

Is Sleep As Important As Diet ?

Why is a good night’s rest important for Children? Sleep is an essential part of everyone’s routine and an indispensable part of a healthy lifestyle....

Terrible Twos: What to Expect

Many mums in Kenya are warned about “the terrible twos” as their toddler gets closer to that age in a few weeks or months....

Support your Child when they Bed wet

Your baby may get daytime bladder control by the age of three. However, nighttime control may take a little longer. Bedwetting is involuntarily wetting...
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