
Before you get pregnant and even when you first become pregnant for the first time, you have visions of what it’ll be like. What a joy and excitement of motherhood.

Find out the joys, the surprises and challenges you can expect in each phase and how to take care of yourself during this exciting time.

Hair Care During Pregnancy . Hair Care Guide

Hair Care During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the high oestrogen levels stimulate the growth of hair and the normal shedding of hair decreases and soon you will notice that...
Pregnancy Weight Loss

Managing your Weight During the Holidays

For most people, the holiday season comes with delicious food and weight gain. We all know how hard it is to say no to...

Simple ways to show support to your pregnant partner in Kenya

Pregnancy is a time in a woman’s life where she is vulnerable and needs all the support she can get from her partner. However,...

Do Pregnant Mums Have Unique Dreams?

Dreams are often a reflection of thoughts in our subconscious and can reveal one’s emotional state as well. However, for pregnant mums, their dreams...

Transmission of HIV

HIV is transmitted (passed) from one person to another through specific body fluids—blood, semen, genital fluids, and breast milk. Mother-to-child transmission of HIV is...


The pelvic floor is a group of muscles and ligaments which support the bladder, uterus (womb) and bowel. The openings from these organs, the...
Pregnancy Weight Loss

Managing your Weight During the Holidays

For most people, the holiday season comes with delicious food and weight gain. We all know how hard it is to say no to...

High risk pregnancy in Kenya: What You Need To Know

The words “high risk” usually means that a woman needs to take extra care of herself during her pregnancy. In Kenya, many expectant women...

Taking Care of your Man after the Baby

Finally, the baby is here! The combination of the new baby, the stresses of pregnancy, labour and birth and the overwhelming sense of responsibility...
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