Birth Options for HIV Pregnant Mums in Kenya

For most women in Kenya that are HIV positive and pregnant, having a safe delivery is usually their biggest concern as their expected delivery...

Pregnancy Tips for HIV Positive Women

Getting an HIV positive result is often devastating for most women in Kenya, with a number going into depression while others seek medication to...
Skin Care During Pregnancy . Your Skin Care Guide

How To Manage Acne During Pregnancy

Pregnancy triggers acne for many women in Kenya who may have never had to battle with the skin condition before. The condition is usually...
Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Pregnancy Stretch Marks: What to do?

For many pregnant women here in Kenya, physical changes in the body is the norm with the most common being the appearance of stretch...

Do Pregnant Mums Have Unique Dreams?

Dreams are often a reflection of thoughts in our subconscious and can reveal one’s emotional state as well. However, for pregnant mums, their dreams...

Eating out: Foods to stay away from when pregnant

For most pregnant women in Kenya, eating out is a great way to bond with others while enjoying food that is not homemade. The...

Tips for hygienic food preparation when pregnant

Pregnant women can easily get food poisoning because their immune system is less effective in fighting off germs found in contaminated foodstuff. Some of...

How to choose clothes that suit your growing belly

Finding clothes that are comfortable and stylish throughout the pregnancy period is a challenge for many expectant women in Kenya. In most cases, they...

High risk pregnancy in Kenya: What You Need To Know

The words “high risk” usually means that a woman needs to take extra care of herself during her pregnancy. In Kenya, many expectant women...

Do’s and Don’ts of the Pregnancy Diet

Eating well is paramount if you are to have a healthy pregnancy and baby at the end of nine months. Most times, you will...

Childbirth Classes

A childbirth class is great for preparing you for pregnancy, labor, and birth. Some communities organize childbirth classes for women and their support person....

Taking Care of your Man after the Baby

Finally, the baby is here! The combination of the new baby, the stresses of pregnancy, labour and birth and the overwhelming sense of responsibility...

How to Prevent Infection and Keep your Unborn Baby Safe

As exciting as pregnancy is, it’s also a very vulnerable time and for the most part, you have to ensure that you take steps...
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